Prof. Amanullah Abbasi
Meritorious Professor of Medicine
- MD
RESEARCH GATE/ORCID LINK: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/AmanullahAbbasi-3
- Case Report: Naresh Kumar, Amanullah Abbasi, Sana Muhammad Hussain, Aysal Mahmood, Kanhiyalal Talreja Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma as an extra-hepatic manifestation of hepatitis C and co-infection of helicobacter pylori
- Sana Muhammad Hussain, Amanullah Abbasi, Bader Faiyaz Zuberi , Anoshia Frequency of Anemia in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Presenting at Dr Ruth K M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi.
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Amanullah Abbasi, Shumaila Rafi, Khalil ur Rehman, Syed Tehseen Akhtar , Muhammad Hussain Haroon Hepatitis D seroprevalence: An alarming situation and war without weapon. The Professional Medical Journal 2024, Volume, 31 Issue, 02
- Azizullah Khan Dhiloo, Madiha Sattar Ansari, Sana Tanzil, Nazima Zain, Amanullah Abbasi Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Dengue Patients in Public Sector Hospital J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci January 02, 2024 doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.2024.01028
- Amanullah Abbasi, Shajee Ahmad Siddiqui, Bikha Ram, Jibran Umar A yub Khan, Khalid Sheikh, Asif Ali, Waseem Raja Memon, Muhammad Rehan, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Naresh Kumar Seetlani, Tayyab S. Akhter, Masood Khoso, Asif Javed , Riaz Hussain Khokhar, Zaheer Hussain Memon, Wajid Akbar, M Naeem, Samiullah Shaikh, Abbas Khan Khattak, A. Qayoom Memon, Shaheen Bhatty, Omar Sultan, Idress Shani, Neeta Maheshwary, Real-W orld Evidence to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of V onoprazan in Gastrointestinal Disorders in the Pakistani Population Cureus 15(11): e48994. DOI 10.7759/cureus.48994 Nov. 2023
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Amanullah Abbasi, Shumaila Rafi, Nasrullah Jakhrani, Khalil ur Rehman, Syed Tehseen Akhtar, Effects of Re-Opening Of Educational Institution During Covid-19 Infection: Fact or Fiction. JPUMHS 2023: 13(03)
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto , Amanullah Abbasi, Shumaila Rafi , Khalil ur Rehman , Syed Tehseen Akhtar , Muhammad Hussain Haroon. Risk Factors of COVID-19 Infection: Certainly Un-Certainty, Med. Forum, July 2023 Vol. 34, No. 7.
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto , Amanullah Abbasi, Shumaila Rafi , Khalil ur Rehman , Syed Tehseen Akhtar , Muhammad Hussain Haroon . Hepatitis D Treatment With Pegylated Interferon: Outcome Asking for an Urgent Alternative, JPUMHS/2023/13.02.422
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto , Amanullah Abbasi , Khalil Ur Rehman, Demographic, Clinical, Laboratory and Radiological Spectrum of COVID19 patients P J M H S Vol. 17
- Amanullah Abbasi, Syeda Anjala Tahir, Sarrah Ali Asghar, Helen Huang, Kanza Rahim,
- Ali, S., Butt, N., Altaf, H. and Abbasi, A., 2022. The Etiology and Outcome of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital, Karachi. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 16(7), pp.646-648.
- Nazish Butt, Farhan Haleem,Muhammad Ali Khan, Amanullah Abbasi, (2022) Efficacy and Safety of N-Butyl 2 Cyanoacrylate Injection for Treatment of Gastric Varices: A five year experience from a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci Vol. 38 No. 5
- Syeda Anjala Tahir, Shaheen Bhatti, Zill-e-Huma, Muhammad Ahsan Khan, Areeba Rehman, Shumaila Tahir, Amanullah Abbasi. 2022. Evaluation of Factors Causing a Delay in Management and Hospital Stay in Diabetic Foot Amputation Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci Page 1 of 15
- Bhutto, Dr. Abdul & Jat, Muhammad & Rafi, Shumaila & Amar, Washdev & Arsalan, Muhammad & Abbasi, Amanullah. (2021). Frequency Of Anxiety And Depression In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Visiting A Tertiary Care Hospi- Tal At Gadap Town, Karachi. Journal Of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 33. 125-129
- Butt, Nazish & Khan, Muhammad & Rai, Lajpat & Channa, Riaz & Khemani, Hanisha & Abbasi, Amanullah. (2021). Perception of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Real-Life Experience from Pakistan. Cureus. 13. 10.7759/cureus.16029.
- Bhutto, Dr. Abdul & Abbasi, Amanullah & Chandio, Sultan & Lolai, Aftab & Arsalan, Muhammad. (2020). Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Treatment options are beyond the proton pump inhibitors. The Professional Medical Journal. 27. 1401-1407. 10.29309/TPMJ/2020.27.07.4008.
- Butt, Nazish & Rai, Lajpat & Hussain, Riaz & Soomro, Sabir & Abbasi, Amanullah. (2020). Assessment of liver fibrosis with transient elastography in NAFLD patients..
- Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Amanullah Abbasi, Shumaila Rafi, Ali H. Abro, Liver abscess: Demographic, Clinical, Biochemical, Imaging and Microbial Spectrum. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Bhutto AR et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 Dec; 7(12):4607-4611.
- Naresh Kumar Seetlani, Khalid Imran, Pooja Deepak, Fizza Tariq, Daniyal Mirza, Amanullah Abbasi, Nadia Shams, Tehseen Akhtar, Upper GI Bleeding,: Causes, Morbidity and Mortality in Admitted Patients at Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi. Professional Med J 2019:26(11):1916-1924.
- Butt, Nazish & Soomro, Sabir & Mahesar, Ghulam & Abbasi, Amanullah & Haider, Ghulam. (2019). Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Esophageal Carcinoma: A Four-Year Experience from Largest Referral Centre of Karachi, Pakistan: 2863. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 114. S1571. 10.14309/01.ajg. 0000600984.58763.46.
- Nazish Butt , Amanullah Abbasi , M Ali Khan , Muhammad Ali , Ghulam B. Mahesar , Farhan Haleem , Abdul Manan 2019 Treatment Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis with Chronic Hepatitis C on the Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir Regimen Cureus 11(9): e5702. DOI 10.7759/cureus.5702.
- Abdul Rabb, Amanullah Abbasi, Ali Hassan Abro, Correlation of Hemoglobin A1c with Red Cell Width Distribution and Other Parameters of Red Blood Cells in Type II Diabetes Mellitus. 2019 Bhutto et al. Cureus 11(8): e5533. Dol 10.7759/cureus.5533.
- Kirplani, Pooja & Tul Qadar, Laila & Ochani, Rohan & Memon, Zahid & Imran, Khalid & Seetlani, Naresh & Abbasi, Amanullah & Kumar, Mahaish & Ali, Piyar. (2019). Recognition of Antibiotic Resistance in Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Caused by Escherichia coli in Liver Cirrhotic Patients in Civil Hospital Karachi. Cureus.
- Butt, Nazish & Abbasi, Amanullah & Khan, Muhammad & Butt, Sehrish & Ahmad, Syed. (2019). Esophageal Variceal Band Ligation Interval and Number Required for the Obliteration of Varices: A Multi-center Study from Karachi, Pakistan. Cureus. 11. 10.7759/cureus.4993.
- Nazish Butt, Sehrish Reema, M. Ali Khan, Amanullah Abbasi, Sehrish Butt, Mohammad M. Khoso, Ali Akbar, Farhan Haleem, Ghulam B. Mahesar, Anoshia Fahad, Talha Qureshi, Efficacy and Safety of Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin for Treating Chronic Hepatitis C, Genotype 3: Experience of a Tertiary Care Hospital at Karachi, Pakistan. 2019 butt et al. Cureus 11(4): e 4458.Dol 10.7759/cureus.4458.
- Nazish Butt , Ali Akbar , Amanullah Abbasi , Sehrish Reema , Jaffer Bin Baqar , Qurban Hussain Shaikh. 2019 Safety and Efficacy of Sofosbuvir with Ribavirin® in Hepatitis C, Genotype 3 Patients with Cirrhosis: A Real-world Experience DOI: 10.7759/cureus.4012.
- Nazish Butt, M Ali Khan, Farhan Haleem, Sehrish Butt, Sehrish Reema, Talha Qureshi, Amanullah Abbasi, Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics, and Management Status of Hepatitis B:A Cross sectional Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital At Karachi, Pakistan. Original Article published 14-01-2019.
- Nazish Butt, Amanullah Abbasi, M. Ali Khan, Sehrish Butt, Syed Masroor Ahmed, Esophageal Variceal Band Ligation Interval and Number Required for the obliteration of Varices: A Multi-center Study from Karachi, Pakistan published in 25-06-2019 Butt et al. Cureus 11(6): e4993. Dol 10.7759/cureus.4993.
- Tahir Zubair, Amanullah Abbasi, Osama Ahsan Khan, Erum Amer, Role of passive smoking in non-smoking related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Vol. 68, No.9, September 2018.
- Amanullah Abbasi1, Abdul Rabb Bhutto2, Alam MT3, Aurangzaib1, M. Masroor 1, Frequency of Hepatic Hydrothorax and its Association with Child Pugh Class in Liver Cirrhosis Patients, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2016 Jul;26(7):566-9.
- Sehrish Butt, Tahira Rani, Amanullah Abbasi Esophageal variceal band ligation experience in patients with portal hypertension: a single centre study Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Suppl. 3): 1–50.
- Amanullah Abbasi1, Abdul Rabb Bhutto1, Ali Taj2, Aurangzaib1, Akhtar Baloch1, Muhammad Masroor1 and S. M. Munir3 Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome: Demographic, Clinical, Endoscopic and Histological Panorama, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25 (12): 00 1.
- Amanullah Abbassi, Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Nazish Butt ,and Khalid Mahmood, HDV Seroprevalence in HBsAg Positive Patients Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (9): 624-627,
- Khalid Sher1 , Firdaus1, Amanullah Abbasi2 , Naeemullah Bullo1 and Suneel Kumar1 ,Stages of Tuberculous Meningitis: a Clinicoradiologic Analysis, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2013, Vol. 23 (6): 405-408
- Sirajus Salekeen,1 Khalid Mahmood,2 Iftikhar Haider Naqvi,3Mirza Yousuf Baig,4 Syed Tehssen Akhter,5 Amanullah Abbasi 2013 Clinical course, complications and predictors of mortality in patients with tuberculous meningitis — an experience of fifty two cases at Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan J Pak Med Assoc Vol. 63, No.5,
- Amanullah Abbasi, Nazish Butt, Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Sayed Muhammad Munir, Azizullah Khan Dhillo Liver histology of chronic hepatitis C patients who relapsed or not responded to conventional interferon and ribavirin therapy, Med J Pak Assoc Vol. 63, No.2, February 2013.
- Amanullah Abbasi, Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Nazish Butt, Keshav Lal and S.M. Munir. Serum Cholesterol: Could it be a Sixth Parameter of Child-Pugh Scoring System in Cirrhotics due to Viral Hepatitis? Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2012, Vol. 22 (8): 484-487
- Amanullah Abbasi, Nazish Butt, Azizullah Khan, Syed Mohammed Munir. Hepatic vein waveform in liver cirrhosis Correlation with Child’s lass and size of varies. Abdul Rabb Bhutto. J Pak Med Assoc 2012; 62:794-797.
- Amanullah Abbasi, Abdul Rabb Bhutto, Nazish Butt, Syed Mohammad Munir 2012 Corelation of serum alpha fetoprotein and tumor size in hepatocellular carcinoma J Pak Med Assoc Vol. 62, No. 1
- Abbasi A, Bhutto AR, Butt N, Munir SM and Dhillo AK. Frequency of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy and its Relationship with Biochemical, Haematological and Endoscopic Features in Cirrhosis. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2011, Vol. 21 (12): 723-726
- Abbasi A, Bhutto AR, Butt N, Munir. Efficacy of Interferon-Ribavirin Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2011; 21: 276-279
- Hussain Q, Badruddin AH, Chaudhry MA, Ahmad F, Abbasi A. Effect of carvidolol on portal pressure estimated by hepatic vein Doppler ultrasound wave form and damping index in cirrhotic patients. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2010;20(9):586-9.
- Amanullah Abbasi, Nazish Butt, Abdul Rab Bhutto, Kashif Gulzar and S.M. Munir 2010 Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Study Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan , Vol. 20 (8): 510-513
- Abbasi A, Butt N, Bhutto AR, Munir SM. Correlation of thrombocytopenia with grading of esophageal varices; J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2010;20:369-72.
- Qurban Hussain Shaikh 1, Syed Masroor Ahmad, Amanullah Abbasi, Shujaat Ali Malik, Abdul Aziz Sahito, S M Munir 2009 Thrombocytopenia in malaria J Coll Physicians Surg Pak (11):708-10.
- Case Report Amanullah Abbasi, Nazish Butt, Baseer Sultan and S.M. Munir 2009 Hypokalemic Paralysis and Megaloblastic Anaemia in Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan Vol. 19 (3): 186-188.
- Abbasi A, Butt N, Sheikh Q, Bhutto AR, Munir SM and Ahmed SM. Clinical Features, Diagnostic Techniques and Management of Dual Dengue and Malaria Infection. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2009; 19: 25-29.
- Butt N, Abbassi A, Munir SM, Ahmad SM and Sheikh QH. Haematological and Biochemical Indicators for the Early Diagnosis of Dengue Viral Infection. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2008;18: 282- 85.
- Case Report Bhatti A, Abbasi A.Intra pelvic total migration of sliding screw in Intertrochanteric fracture. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2007; 17:371-3
Ashutosh Upadhaya Acute Diarrheal Outbreak in 2022 Karachi, Pakistan: To Determine its Clinical Spectrum, Risk Factors and Complications