Dr. Mahrukh Kamran
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy Dow Medical College
MPhil, Ziauddin University, 2014
MBBS, Karachi University, 2007
1. Original article titled “Correlation of thyroid gland volume with age and gender in a subset of Karachi population.” Pakistan Journal of Medical and Dentistry. 2014 April; 3(2):26-32.
2. Original article titled “Frequency of thyroid incidentalomas in a subset of Karachi population.”Pakistan Journal of Medical and Sciences. 2014 Jul; 30(4):793-7.
3. Original article titles “ Positive correlation of thyroid gland volume with isthmus dimensions and with anthropometric parameters through a cross sectional study in Karachi Population” British journal of medicine and medical research Vol 18 Issue 6 2016
4. Original article title” Benign prostatic hyperplasia; correlation of prostate gland volume with age and anthropometric parameters in patients” The professional medical journal 2017 ; 24(3).
5. Original article title “ Family history of Glucoma : A predictive factor” Ophthalmology Research An International Journal 2016 :6(4)
6. Original article title “The relationship of thyroid gland volume (TGV) with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and the quantitative measurement of the variations in TGV in relation to per unit increase in TSH.” Ejbps, 2018 Volume 5 issue 5 1154-1158.
7. Original article title “Quantitative Assessment of the variations in thyroid dimensions in relation to increase in serum TSH in euthyroid.” JBUMDC 2018; 9(1):
8. Original article title “Grading Of Prostate Volume And International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS) In A Subset Of Karachi Population.” JBUMDC 2019; 9(1):30-33
9. Original article “Quantitative Assessment of Thyroid Gland Volume among the ethnic groups of Karachi population”. Volume 8, Issue 1 of PJMD 2019.
10. Original article title “Correlation of international prostatic symptoms score with prostate volume.” Volume 1 Issue 2 65-70 2018 JKIMS .
11. Original article title “Effect Of Azadirachtica Indica Leaves Aqueous Extract On Erythromycin Induced Hepatic Damage.” Volume 8 (2) PJMD 2019.
12. Original article title “The correlation between percent liver weight (PLW) and percent fat cells (PFC) of liver in HFD-STZ induced diabetic rats in comparison with insulin, metformin and combination treated diabetic rats.” Vol 26 No.08 2019 The Profession Medical Journal.
13. Original article title “Comparative analysis of anthropometric parameters among the ethnic groups of Pakistan.” ASH & KMDC 25(1):28;2020
14. Original article title “Anatomical variants of Renal vasculature: A study in adults on multidetector Computerized Tomography angiography scan.” Vol 27 No 01 (2020): The Professionals.
15. Original article title “Association of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) Thickness with Smoking Using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Pakistani Population.” Vol 9 Issue 4 (2020) PMD
16. Original article title “Acanthosis Nigricans in obese versus non obese in a tertiary care hospital: Association with BMI and central obesity.” 9(06)589-598(2021) Int.J.Adv.Res
17. Original article title “Ginseng holds promise against obesity” Vol26 No2 (2021) ASH & KMDC
18. Original article title “Does dependant effect of ginseng on high fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia in rats: A preventive clue for coronary artery diseases in experimental rats.” 23-9-2021 IJEHSR