Dr. Binish Rasheed
Assistant Professor
Dow institute of Radiology 2nd floor, DUHS, Ojha campus Karachi Teaching under graduates’ medical student and BSRT students.
Years of Experience
- EDiR
- Rahim A, Rasheed B, Adil SO, Naz N, Aslam N. Effective strategy to cope the pain and discomfort among women undergoing mammography – A randomized controlled trial. Pak J Med Sci. 2023;39(5):1422-1428. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.39.5.750
- Rasheed B ,A.rahim etall. Does structured informational care reduce anxiety in patients undergoing MRI? A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Pakistan medical association JPMA vol 73 no. 07 . July 23
- .Jabeen N, Walid A, Rasheed B, Naz N, Rahim A, Siddiqui RQU. Conventional Ultrasonography: a Remarkable Tool in Early Detection of
- Benign Ovarian Lesions in Comparison to Gold Standard Mri. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2023; 73(2): 569-574. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51253/pafmj.v73i2.10303
- Fatima M, Rashid B, Amjad Z, Naz R, Rahim A. Forensic Age Estimation of Individuals from Computed Tomography Analysis of Medial Clavicular Epiphysis in Pakistani Population. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2023; 33(04):385-389
- Asma aijaz Hira Ahmed, Shazia Fehmi, Talat Samreen ,Rasheed B etall.A comprehensive computed tomographic analysis of pnematization pattern of sphenoid sinus and their association with protrusion/dehiscence of vital neurovascular structures in subset of Pakistani population. DOI: 0.5137/1019-5149.JTN.40154-22.3 (Turkish Neurosurgery march 2023)
- Rafiq N, Rasheed B, Naz N, Al Qamari N, Azmatullah U, Rahim A. Utility of Unenhanced CT KUB: Beyond Urolithiasis. Annals of abbasi shaheed hospital and KMDC. 2023 Mar 1;28(1):45-52.
- Aijaz A, Khan N, Mubeen S, Rasheed B. Anatomical variations of human sphenoid sinus in terms of volume and septation pattern in a subset of Pakistani population using computed tomographic images. JPMA. 2022;72(702).
- Fatima M, Rasheed B, Murtaza G. Diagnostic Accuracy of Computed Tomography Based Anthropometric Measurements of Maxillary Sinuses in Sex Determination in Pakistani Population. AJSMU. 1Jun.2021 .7(1):3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46663/ajsmu.v7i1.3-7
- Rafiq, N., Rasheed, B., Sattar, A., & Murtaza, G. (2021). Preparedness of Radiology Departments against COVID-19: An Online Survey. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, 7(1), 31-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46663/ajsmu.v7i1.31-37
- Rasheed, B., Qamari, NA., Farhan, N., Murtaza, G., Swaleh, A. Complications of tuberculosis spondylitis detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A low income country perspective. RMJ. (2021), [cited October 14, 2021]; 46(4): 826-829.
- Sattar, A., Rasheed, B., Farhan, N., Hafeez, M., Mughal, S. Morphologic abnormalities of diffuse liver diseases at triphasic CT exam. http://www.rmj.org.pk/?mno=81268 [Access: October 14, 2021]
- Jabeen, N., Rasheed, B., Imran, M., Zaheeruddin, Z., & Rahim, A. (2020). Mammographic density and its association with molecular subtype of breast cancer. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR), 8(4), 238-248. https://doi.org/10.29052/IJEHSR.v8.i4.2020.238-248
- Farhan N, Naqvi S, Rasheed B, et al. (June 05, 2020) Identification of Significant Anatomical Variations in the Nose and Anterior Skull Base Using Computed Tomography: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus 12(6): e8449. doi:10.7759/cureus.8449
- Rafiq N, Sohail S, Naz N, Rasheed B, Shahzad G. Transient Elastography of Liver Fibrosis In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Diagnostic Importance. PJR 2019 VOL 29
- Hafeez, M., Rasheed B., Sattar, A. Intracranial atherosclerosis presenting as sub arachnoid hemorrhage – a unique scenario. Pak J Radiol Jul – Sep 2018;28(3):246-8.
- Shahid, R., Rasheed, B. and Gulzar, R. Diagnostic Accuracy Of BIRADS in Determination of Malignancy Taking Histopathology as Gold Standard. Int j pathol. 2018;16(3)106- 111
- Rasheed B, Ahmed F, Iqbal Z, et al. Wandering spleen with tortion leading to infarction. European Journal of Radiology Extra 2011
- Rasheed B, Babar S, Murtaza G, Ahmad R. Evaluation Of Intra Cranial Aneurysms (ICA) By Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA). PJR October – December 2009; 19(4): 111-115
- Ahmed R, Rasheed B, Kureshi S. Congenital Single Coronary Artery: A Rare Anomaly JDUHS 2008: 2; 115-117
- Dar MI, Manan AU, Rasheed B, Murtaza G, Ahmad M. Outcome of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting in cardiogenic shock. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Aug;13(4):247-50. PMID: 17717500.