Syed Kashif Abrar
Dow Dental College, Main DMC Campus Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
MSc Periodontology Resident (In Progress)
MCPS Family Dentistry Resident (In Progress)
Bachleors of Dental Surgery, University of Karachi
– Shaikh MS, Lone MA, Khan MS, Iqbal K, Siddiqui SU, Abrar SK, et al. Habits of Tooth Brushing and Tobacco/Betel Nut use among Patients Attending Dental Outpatient Department in a Teaching Hospital. 2021;20(2):132-7.
– Siddiqui S, Darvesh SA, Naz I, Qamar HU, Allana RR, Abrar SKJRMJ. Prevalence of aggressive periodontitis in patients visiting Dow Dental College, DUHS, Karachi, Pakistan. 2021;46(2):357-60.
– Abrar SK, Kumar C, Allana R, Siddiqui SU, Kumar L, Darvesh SAJJoLUoM, et al. Evaluation of Periodontal Status among Dental Students of Dow International Dental College, DUHS. 2021;20(1):52-6.
– Kashif Abrar SKA S, Allana RA R, M Abdullah Salman SMAS S, ul-Qamar HQ H, Akber AA A, Kumar L. Dental Amalgam A Controversial Filling Material. Acta Scientific Dental Scienecs. 2019; 3(12):157-160.
– Khan MS, Siddiqui S, Iqbal N, Abrar SK, Aslam A, Allana R. Comparison Between Rigid Fixation and Semi Rigid Fixation of Mandibular Angle Fracture. Med Forum 2019;30(12): 36-41
– 5 more research studies are under review with different indexed journals recognized by PMC and HEC.