Prof. Dr. Nighat Nisar
Professor / Chairperson, Head Department of Community Health Sciences
New Block 3rd Floor, Community Health Sciences Department, DMC, Karachi
FCPS (Community Medicine), College of Physician Surgeon Pakistan
MCPS (Community Medicine), College of Physician Surgeon Pakistan
MPH (Masters in Public Health), Karachi University
MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery), People’s Medical College
1. Pasha G, Nisar N, Raheem M, Hussain M. Family planning knowledge and practice among reproductive age group women attending antenatal clinics in Karachi, Pakistan Original Article. Rawal Medical Journal.2021; 46(3): 710
2. Shah H, Nisar N, Hasan A, Butt S. The characteristics of post-natal Pakistani women with chronic apical periodontitis.J Med Sci.2020;28(4):313-317
3. Pasha G, Nisar N, Hussain M. Barriers in use of family planning mehods among outpatient women seeking antenatal care in tertiary care hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Dow University of Health Sciences.2019;13(2):62-9
4. Ahmed Z, Nisar N, Zafar M. Assessment of quality of food services in Cafeteria of medical schools of Karachi, Pakistan. Multicenter study. Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR)2019;9(7):19-22
5. Jawed K, Nisar N, Hussain M, Nawab F. A study based on use of complementary and alternative medicine among diabetic patients in Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Dow University of Health Sciences.2019;13(1):10-16
6. Akber S, Rizvi L, Niaz K S, Nisar N. Utilization of health services regarding hepatitis B in Karachi, Pakistan: a community survey. Pakistan Journal of Public Health. 2018; 8(2): 95-99
7. Mansoori N, Nisar N, Shahid N, Mubeen SM, Ahsan S. Prevalence of obesity and its risk factors among school children in Karachi, Pakistan. Tropical Doctor. 2018;48(3):1-4
8. Bakht A, Nisar N, Nawab F. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive, male intravenous drug users in Pakistan. East Mediterr Health J. 2018;24(3):237-242. https://doi.org/10.26719/2018.24.3.237
9. Khan S, Naqvi A, Nisar N, Nawab F. Medical students perspective about adverse effects of caffeine consumption. Rawal Medical Journal.2018; 43:156-160
10. Toufique H, Nisar N, Saadat S. Tooth wear and its related factors: findings from a hospital based study.Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal. 2017: 37(3):459-464
11. Toufique H, Nisar N, Saadat S. Tobacco Use and its Association with Gingivitis among
Dental Students of Dow Dental College. J Pak Dent Assoc 2017;26(2):67-71.
12. Toufique H, Nisar N, Saadat S. Work Place Related Health Hazards Among Dental LaboratoryTechnicians In Karachi. J Pak Dent Assoc 2017;26(4):181-88.
13. Bhutto QA, Nisar N. Health-seeking behavior of people living with HIV/AIDS and their satisfaction with health services provided at a tertiary care hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. EMHJ.2017;23:13-19
14. Khan MS, Nisar N, Naqvi SAA, Nawab F. Caffine Consumption and Academic Performance among Medical Students of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Karachi, Pakistan [Online]. Annals ASH KM&DC 2017;22:81-7. Available from: www.annals-ashkmdc.org.
15. Mirza N, Nisar N, Ikram Z. Knowledge, attitude & practices towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among private elementary school teachers of Karachi, Pakistan. J Dow Uni Health Sci 2017; 11(1): 11-17.
16. Jawed K, Nisar N, Hussain M, Nawab F, Jawed M. Glycaemic Control and Complications of Type II Diabetes Mellitus At Two Public Sector Diabetic Clinics. Annals ASH & KMDC 2017;22(1):37-43
17. Jawed K, Nisar N, Nawab F. Patients’ preference of visiting health care providers and level of satisfaction in utilizing health care services at diabetic clinics of tertiary care hospitals of Karachi. Medical Channel2017;23(3):37-42.
18. Adil SO, Ibran EA, Nisar N, Shafique K. Pattern of unintentional burn:A hospital based study from Pakistan. Burns. 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.03.020
19. Adil SO, Nisar N,Ibran EA, Shafique K, Ansari BN. Severeity of burn and its related factors: Astudy from the developing country Pakistan. Burns. 2016; 42(4):901-5.
20. R Sadia, Nisar N, Butt S. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and eating disorder: Are they associated. Int. J. Adv Res.2016;5(2):XX-XX. ISSN:2320-5407. DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/xxx
21. Imtiaz F, Nisar N, Shafi K, Nawab F.Knowledge and Practices Regarding Malaria Control and its treatment among Patients Visiting Outpatient Clinics of Civil Hospital Khairpur. Annals ASH & KMDC. 2016; 21(3):154-159
22. Imtiaz F, Nisar N, Shafi K, Nawab F. Frequency of Smear Positive Malaria and Socio-demographics Factors of Patients Visiting the Microscopy Center of a Tertiary Care Civil Hospital, Khairpur. Annals ASH&KMDC.2016;21(3):154-159
23. Mohiuddin S, Saadat S, Nisar N. Oral hygiene status of private and public school children From nine towns of Karachi city Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal.2015;35(4):661-665
24. Nisar N. Role of mothers in prevention of Dental caries: a systematic Review. JDHODT.2015;3(3):0091. DOI:10.15406/jdhodt.2015.03.00091
25. Syed S, Nisar N, Mubeen N. Early childhood caries among children upto 71 months of age in Karachi, Pakistan. J Dow Uni Health Sci 2015; 9(3): 83-87.83
26. Syed S, Nisar N, Khan N, Dawani N, Mubeen N, Mehreen Z. Prevalence and factors leading to early childhood caries among children (71 months of age or youger) in Karachi, Pakistan. J.Dent. Oral Hyg.2015;7(9): 153-159. DOl: 10.5897/jdoh2015.0169
27. Syed S, Nisar N, Mubeen N. Early Childhood Caries: A preventable disease.
Dent Open J.2015;2(2):55-61. DOI:10.17140/DOJ-2-111
28. Mubeen N, Nisar N. Factors’ affecting mother’s brushing technique of less than five years age children in Pakistan. J.Dent. Oral Hyg.2015;7(6):86-90. DOI:10.587/JDOH2015.0149
29. Sarwat A. Nawab F. Nisar N. Profile of Psychiatric Patients Attending Outpatient Clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Karachi. Med Forum 2015;26(7):31-34.
30. Mohiuddin S, Nisar N, Dawani N. Dental Caries status among 6 and 12Years Old SchoolChildren of Karachi City. J Pak Dent Assoc 2015; 24(1):39-45.
31. Mohiuddin S, Saadat S, Nisar N. Oral health knowledge and oral hygiene practices among private and public school teachers of Karachi city. J Dow Uni Health Sci 2015; 9(2): 64-70.
32. Zafar M, Nisar N, Kadir M, Fatmi Z, Ahmed Z, Shafique K. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding HIV/AIDS among adult fishermen in coastal areas of Karachi. BMC Public Health. 2014 May 10; 14:437. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-437.
33. Khan SM, Bawany IF, Ahmed UM, Hussain M,Bukhari M N,Nisar N,Khan M, Ahmed Raheem , Arshad HM. The Frequency of Smoking and Common Factors Leading to Continuation of Smoking among Health Care Providers in Tertiary Care Hospitals of Karachi. Global Journal of Health Science2014;6:227-233
34. Khan RT, Ahmed Z, Zafar M, Nisar N, Qayyum S, Shafi K. Active case finding of sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis in household contacts of tuberculosis patients in Karachi, Pakistan. The journal of Association of chest Physician.2014;2:25-31
35. Khan S M, Bawany FI, Shah SR, Hussain M, Arshad M H, Nisar N. Comparison of knowledge, attitude and practices of betel nut users in two socio-economic areas of Karachi. JPMA 2013; 63(10): 1319-1325
36. Yousafzai M T, Nisar N, Kakakhel M F, Qadri M, Khalil R, Hazara S M. Injection practices among private medical practioners of private medical clinics of Karachi, Pakistan. EMHJ.2013;9(6):570-574
37. Dawani N, Nisar N, Khan N, Syed S, Tanweer N. Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude And Self-Practices Of Pre-School Teachers Of Karachi, Pakistan. J Pak Dent Assoc 2013;22(1):47-51.
38. Mehtab K, Nisar N, Kumar S. Colored Text Enhances Learning Power of Medical Students "A New Concept of Learning" Colored Text Enhances Learning Power of Medical Students "A New Concept of Learning. Medical Forum 2013;3:1-6
39. Narendar Dawani, Nisar N, Nazeer Khan, Shahbano Syed, Navara Tanweer. Prevalence and factors related to dental caries among pre-school children of Saddar town, Karachi, Pakistan: a cross-sectional study BMC Oral Health 2012;12:59
40. Mehtab K, Nisar N, Zaidi HT, Aziz S, Shaikh SM. Incidence of “Stress Syndrome” or Type A Personality in Medical Students Medical Forum Monthly 2012; 23(4):58-60.
41. Ahmed Z, Khan AA, Nisar N. Frequency of infectious diseases among flood affected people at district Rajanpur, Pakisatn. Pak J Med Sci 2011;27(4):866-869.
42. Nisar N, Mirza M, Qadri MH. Knowledge attitude and practices of mothers regarding immunization of one year old child at Mawatch Goth, Kemari Town, Karachi. Pak J Med Sci 2010; 26(1): 183-186.
43. SiddiqiN, Siddiqi AE, Nisar N, Khan A. Mothers’ knowledge about EPI and its relation with age-appropriate vaccination of infants in peri-urban Karachi. JPMA.2010 Nov;60(11):940-4.
44. Ahmed F, NisarN. Public-private partnership scenario in the health care system of Pakistan. East Mediterr Health J. 2010;16(8):910-2
45. Nisar N, Qadri M H, Fatima K, Perveen S. Dietary habits and life style among the students of a private Medical University Karachi. JPMA 2008; 58:687; 2008.
46. Nisar N, Khan A I, Qadri M H, Sher A S Knowledge And Risk Assessment Of Diabetes Mellitus At Primary Care Level: A preventiveApproach Required Combating The Disease In A Developing Country. Pak J Med Sci 2008;24 (Part-I) : 667-67
47. Mobeen SM, Abbas Q, Nisar N. knowledge about ionizing and Non Ionizing radiations among medical students Karachi, J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 2008; 20: 118-121.
48. Shah. NA, Nisar. N, Qadri. MH, Awareness and pattern of utilizing family planning Services among women attending Urban Health Care Center Azizabad Sukkur, Pak J Med Sci 2008; 24: 550-555.
49. Nisar.N, Amjad R. Pattern of antenatal care provided at a public sector hospital Hyderabad Sindh. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 2007; 19: 11-13.
50. Nisar. N, Khan. I A, Qadri. M H, Shah. GN. Knowledge attitude and practices about leprosy in a fishing community Karachi Pakistan. PJMS, 2007;24 (part II):146-150.
51. Shah S, Nisar. N, Qadri. M H. Knowledge regarding hepatitis B among EPI vaccinators working in district south, Karachi. PJMS, 2007; 23: 538-541.
52. Siddiqi N, Khan. A, Nisar. N, Siddiqi. A A. Assessment of EPI (Expanded program of immunization) vaccine coverage in a peri-urban area. JPMA, 2007; 57: 391-395.
53. Nisar.N, Khan I A, Qadri.M H, Sher. A I. Myths about diabetes mellitus among non- diabetic individuals attending primary Health care Centers of Karachi Suburbs.JCPSP, 2007; 17: 398-401.
54. Nisar. N, Qadri. MH, Fatima. K, Perveen. S. A community based study about knowledge and practices regarding Tobacco consumption and passive smoking in Gadap Town, Karachi. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association.2007; 57:186-188.
55. Nisar. N, Billoo. N. Community Medicine in Pakistan: Is it still in doldrums? Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 2006; 56:610
56. Nisar. N, Billoo. N, Gadit. A. A. Pattern of tobacco consumption among adult women of a squatter settlement Karachi”. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 2005; 55:112-114.
57. Nisar. N. Primary Health care centers: A way towards progress of Health”. Rawal Medical Jouranl.2004; 29: No.2, Jul-Dec 2004.
58. Nisar. N, Billoo. N, Gadit. A.A. Prevalence of depression and the associated risk Factor among adult women of a fishing community at Manora Island Karachi” Journal of Pakistan Medical Association.2004; 54: 498-503
59. Nisar. N. Integrated management of childhood illness and health sector Reforms in Pakistan. Rawal Medical Journal. 2003; 28: 44-47.
60. Nisar. N, White. F. Factors affecting the utilization of Antenatal care among reproductive age group women (15-49 years) at Rheri Goth Karachi. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 2003; 53: 47-53.
61. Hassan. J. I, Nisar. N. Women’ Perceptions regarding Obstetric Complication and Care in a Poor Fishing Community in Karachi. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association.2002; 52: 137-139.