Prof. Dr. Nasreen Naz

Prof. Dr. Nasreen Naz


Prof. Dr. Nasreen Naz


Director & Chairperson



Dow Insitute of Radiology building, Suparco road, off main university road, Gulzar e Hijri, scheme 33 , Karachi


MHPE:          Master in Health Professions Education (AKUH)

FCPS:           Diagnostic Radiology from the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP)

MBBS:          Dow Medical College (DMC), Karachi



  1. Radiological Evaluation of Collapse Vertebra / Vertebrae, Dissertation was submitted and approved by CPSP in March, 2007.
  2. Radiological Features of Tuberculosis (T.B) Spondylitis, published in the Medical Channel in OCT. DEC. 2007.
  3. Role of Plain Radiography in Diagnosis of KOCH’s Spine published in the journal of Pakistan Orthopedic Association (JPOA) in FEB. 2008.
  4. Skin Traction followed by Spica Cast Versus Early Spica Cast in Femoral Shaft Fractures of Children, published in Pakistan Journal of Surgery in Jan.-March, 2008
  5. Sonological Assessment of Cervical length Changes during normal Pregnancy, published in the Medical Channel in April – June, 2008.
  6. Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma, Role of Imaging in Diagnosis, Staging and Recurrence, published in the Journal of Surgery, Pakistan in DEC. 2009.
  7. Utility of Breast Imaging in Mastalgia, published n the Journal or Liaquat University of Medical Sciences in April, 2010.
  8. Ultrasound categorization of breast masses published in the Pakistan journal of surgery, January – March 2012.
  9. Chronic headache “Role of occiptomental view” published in Pakistan journal of otolaryngology in April 2012.
  10. Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T Scan in Retinoblastoma published in Pakistan Journal of Surgery in July-Sept. 2013
  11. Morphological evaluation of thyroid nodules on ultrasound in Pakistan journal of otolaryngology in April 2014.
  12. Case Report on “Herniated Supralevator Anorectal Abscess” published in Pakistan Journal of Radiology, in April 2014.
  13. Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T Scan in Evaluation of Gallbladder Carcinoma published in JDUHS in January-April 2016.
  14. Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T in Diagnosis and extent of fungal infection, published in  Ann. Pak. inst. Med. Sci. April – June 2016; 12(2): 63-67
  15. Diagnostic Accuracy of Mammography in Detecting Breast Cancer, Keeping Histopathology as Gold Standard in is published in Ann. Pak. Inst. Med. Sci , April – June : 2016 12(2); 118-121
  16. Diagnostic Accuracy of Plain X rays in the diagnosis of cervical spine fracture keeping CT as gold standard is published in Ann. Pak. inst. Med. Sci. July – September  2016; 12 (3): 171-174
  17. The Diagnostic Accuracy of MRCP in Choledocholithiasis is published in September – December 2016 at JDUHS, vol. 10(3):77-81.
  18. Diagnostic Role of Doppler Ultrasound in morbidly adherent placenta (MAP): an Obstetrical emergency is published in Journal of Obs. and Gynae JSOGP 6(4) Oct. – Dec. 2016
  19. Sensitivity of Shearvawe Elastography in Differentiating Benign & Malignant Solid Breast Lesions is published in Ann. Pak. Inst. Med. Sci. 2017; 13(1) : 52-56
  20. Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns in Solid Breast Tumors is published in PJR Vol. 27, NO 3 (2017)
  21. Adult Anterior Sacral Meningocele Misdiagnosing as Adnexal Cyst on Pelvic Ultrasound: A Rare Clinical Presentation with Literature Review in PJR Vol. 27, no. 3 (2017)
  22. Case report on “Solitary Rectal Ulcer Mimicking Rectal Carcinoma on Imaging    published in PJR VOL 27, NO 1 (2017)
  23. Case Report on Abdominal wall Endometrioma; is published in Journal of Obs and Gynae JSOGP 2016;vol 2
  24. A Case report on multi system atrophy is published in JPMA; vol: 2 2018
  25. Case report on hydatid cyst thigh in MRI is published in PJR;2017;Vol 2
  26. Role of Modified CT Severity Index in Assessment of Acute Pancreatitis at Tertiary Care Hospital, JIMDC: 2018, vol3: 189-94
  27. Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Scan in detection of early bone erosion of mandible in Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Published in JCPSP: 2018
  28. Diagnostic Accuracy of Color Doppler Ultrasonography to Diagnose   Testicular Tumors Taking Histopathology as a Gold Standard, is published in JFMC; 2018;Vol 2
  29. Role of Transient Elastography in liver Fibrosis, is published in PJR, 2019; Vol 1
  30. Risk Factors for Injury to  Recurrent  Laryngeal Nerve in Thyroid  Surgeries  – A Tertiary Care Centre Experience, is published in JRMC;2019;Vol 3
  31. To determine the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in detecting rectal cancer, keeping histopathology as a gold standard published : International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research: Vol 9 No. 3 (2021)
  32. PPE and the impact on the performance during Covid -19 pandemic- a questionnaire   based survey among radiology related health care workers: published in PJR Vol.3; 2021.
  33. Diagnostic accuracy and imaging appearance Glioblastoma Multiforme on MRI and MRS” published in Annals of PIMS Vol. 18(3) July –September 2022
  34. Frequency of Patients Eligible for Liver Transplant According to MELD-Na Score   in Chronic Liver Disease   due   to   Chronic Hepatitis B and C: B M C J Med Sc  99-102
  35. Utility of Unenhanced CT KUB: Beyond Urolithiasis, March 2023 Volume No.   28 (1)       265-70
  36. Ultrasound Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Breast Lesions with Radio Pathological Concordance / Discordance: A Medical Audit of Tertiary Care Breast Imaging UnitJ.Soc. Obstet. Gynaecol Pak. 2023; 13(1):323-326
  37. First Edition of Practical Handbook of Ultrasound Gynaecology & Obstetrics published in June, 2023