Prof. Dr. Nasreen Naz
Director & Chairperson
Dow Insitute of Radiology building, Suparco road, off main university road, Gulzar e Hijri, scheme 33 , Karachi
MHPE: Master in Health Professions Education (AKUH)
FCPS: Diagnostic Radiology from the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP)
MBBS: Dow Medical College (DMC), Karachi
- Radiological Evaluation of Collapse Vertebra / Vertebrae, Dissertation was submitted and approved by CPSP in March, 2007.
- Radiological Features of Tuberculosis (T.B) Spondylitis, published in the Medical Channel in OCT. DEC. 2007.
- Role of Plain Radiography in Diagnosis of KOCH’s Spine published in the journal of Pakistan Orthopedic Association (JPOA) in FEB. 2008.
- Skin Traction followed by Spica Cast Versus Early Spica Cast in Femoral Shaft Fractures of Children, published in Pakistan Journal of Surgery in Jan.-March, 2008
- Sonological Assessment of Cervical length Changes during normal Pregnancy, published in the Medical Channel in April – June, 2008.
- Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma, Role of Imaging in Diagnosis, Staging and Recurrence, published in the Journal of Surgery, Pakistan in DEC. 2009.
- Utility of Breast Imaging in Mastalgia, published n the Journal or Liaquat University of Medical Sciences in April, 2010.
- Ultrasound categorization of breast masses published in the Pakistan journal of surgery, January – March 2012.
- Chronic headache “Role of occiptomental view” published in Pakistan journal of otolaryngology in April 2012.
- Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T Scan in Retinoblastoma published in Pakistan Journal of Surgery in July-Sept. 2013
- Morphological evaluation of thyroid nodules on ultrasound in Pakistan journal of otolaryngology in April 2014.
- Case Report on “Herniated Supralevator Anorectal Abscess” published in Pakistan Journal of Radiology, in April 2014.
- Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T Scan in Evaluation of Gallbladder Carcinoma published in JDUHS in January-April 2016.
- Diagnostic Accuracy of C.T in Diagnosis and extent of fungal infection, published in Ann. Pak. inst. Med. Sci. April – June 2016; 12(2): 63-67
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Mammography in Detecting Breast Cancer, Keeping Histopathology as Gold Standard in is published in Ann. Pak. Inst. Med. Sci , April – June : 2016 12(2); 118-121
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Plain X rays in the diagnosis of cervical spine fracture keeping CT as gold standard is published in Ann. Pak. inst. Med. Sci. July – September 2016; 12 (3): 171-174
- The Diagnostic Accuracy of MRCP in Choledocholithiasis is published in September – December 2016 at JDUHS, vol. 10(3):77-81.
- Diagnostic Role of Doppler Ultrasound in morbidly adherent placenta (MAP): an Obstetrical emergency is published in Journal of Obs. and Gynae JSOGP 6(4) Oct. – Dec. 2016
- Sensitivity of Shearvawe Elastography in Differentiating Benign & Malignant Solid Breast Lesions is published in Ann. Pak. Inst. Med. Sci. 2017; 13(1) : 52-56
- Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns in Solid Breast Tumors is published in PJR Vol. 27, NO 3 (2017)
- Adult Anterior Sacral Meningocele Misdiagnosing as Adnexal Cyst on Pelvic Ultrasound: A Rare Clinical Presentation with Literature Review in PJR Vol. 27, no. 3 (2017)
- Case report on “Solitary Rectal Ulcer Mimicking Rectal Carcinoma on Imaging published in PJR VOL 27, NO 1 (2017)
- Case Report on Abdominal wall Endometrioma; is published in Journal of Obs and Gynae JSOGP 2016;vol 2
- A Case report on multi system atrophy is published in JPMA; vol: 2 2018
- Case report on hydatid cyst thigh in MRI is published in PJR;2017;Vol 2
- Role of Modified CT Severity Index in Assessment of Acute Pancreatitis at Tertiary Care Hospital, JIMDC: 2018, vol3: 189-94
- Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Scan in detection of early bone erosion of mandible in Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Published in JCPSP: 2018
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Color Doppler Ultrasonography to Diagnose Testicular Tumors Taking Histopathology as a Gold Standard, is published in JFMC; 2018;Vol 2
- Role of Transient Elastography in liver Fibrosis, is published in PJR, 2019; Vol 1
- Risk Factors for Injury to Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve in Thyroid Surgeries – A Tertiary Care Centre Experience, is published in JRMC;2019;Vol 3
- To determine the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in detecting rectal cancer, keeping histopathology as a gold standard published : International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research: Vol 9 No. 3 (2021)
- PPE and the impact on the performance during Covid -19 pandemic- a questionnaire based survey among radiology related health care workers: published in PJR Vol.3; 2021.
- Diagnostic accuracy and imaging appearance Glioblastoma Multiforme on MRI and MRS” published in Annals of PIMS Vol. 18(3) July –September 2022
- Frequency of Patients Eligible for Liver Transplant According to MELD-Na Score in Chronic Liver Disease due to Chronic Hepatitis B and C: B M C J Med Sc 99-102
- Utility of Unenhanced CT KUB: Beyond Urolithiasis, March 2023 Volume No. 28 (1) 265-70
- Ultrasound Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Breast Lesions with Radio Pathological Concordance / Discordance: A Medical Audit of Tertiary Care Breast Imaging UnitJ.Soc. Obstet. Gynaecol Pak. 2023; 13(1):323-326
- First Edition of Practical Handbook of Ultrasound Gynaecology & Obstetrics published in June, 2023