Dr. Muhammad Khalid Shafi
Associate Professor
Department of Community Medicine, DMC, Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
MBBS, DMC Karachi University
MCPS (Pediatrics), CPSP
MCPS (Family Medicine), CPSP
DCH, Karachi University
MPH Baqai Medical University
1. Awarness about tuberculosis in community and compliance for Dots In Patients 56-61 , Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and KMDC Vol;17(2)2012
2. Active case finding of sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis in household contacts of tuberculosis patients in Karachi, Pakistan http://www.jacpjournal.org/article.asp?issn=2320-8775;year=2014;volume=2;issue=1;spage=25;epage=31;aulast=Khan
3. Determinants of child feeding practices in Pakistan, 198- 204 Journal of Nutrition and Nutraceuticals Vol 3/issue 2/Jul-Dec 2014
4. Breastfeeding Practices Among children suffering from Diarrhea Under 2 years Of Age visiting tertiary care hospital Karachi 16-19, Journal of Muhammadan Medical College Mirpurkhas, Vol 06(1)2015
5.Vaccination Practices of Children Under 2 Years of Age Admitted in tertiary Care Hospital Karachi Pakistan 17-22 Annals Of Abbasi Shaheed Hospitan & Karachi Medical & dental college Karachi,Vol no 21(I) 2016
6. Frequency of Smear PositiveMalariaand Socio-demographic factors of patients visiting the microscopy center of a Tertiary Care Civil Hospital Khairpur 147-153, Annals Of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital & Karachi Medical & dental college Karachi,Vol no 21(3) 2016
8. Knowledge and Practices Regarding Malaria Control and its Treatment among Patients Visiting Outpatient Clinics of Civil Hospital Khairpur 222-27, Annals Of Abbasi Shaheed Hospitan & Karachi Medical & dental college Karachi, Vol no 21(4) 2016