Dr. Gati Ara
Assistant Professor
Department of Community Medicine, Third floor PDC building, Dow Medical College, DUHS, Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
Maternal Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH), Public Health, Medical Education, Primary care
Research Gate/ORCID lin
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure Profile of Newly Enrolled Health Sciences Students in a Medical University of Karachi, Pakistan. Liaquat National Journal of Primary Care. LNJPC. Vol. 6, No. 3. 2024. Lhttps://doi.org/10.37184/lnjpc.2707-3521.6.42
- Malnutrition in children under five years in a squatter settlement of Karachi: a case-control study. Ara et al. BMC Public Health (2024) 24:848
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18359-3 - Anxiety, depression and low self-esteem among people with alopecia. KMUJ 2023, Vol. 15 No.3 https://doi.org/10.35845/kmuj.2023.22653
- Strengthening dengue control in Pakistan. Commentary EMHJ – Vol. 29 No. 12 – 2023. https://doi.org/10.26719/emhj.23.099
- Sleep Quality, Perceived Stress and Body Mass Index in Adolescent College Students- Cross- Sectional Study. P J M H S Vol. 17, No. 4, April, 2023. https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs202317442
- Monkeypox virus: A potential pandemic? DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.7224
- Print or Electronic: Preferences of the New Generation of Medical and Dentistry Students. Ann Jinnah Sindh Med Uni 2022; 8(1):20-25. DOI: 10.46663/ajsmu.v8i1.20-25
- Knowledge Attitude and Practices among General Female Population of Karachi regarding Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Screening and Breast Self- Examination. Journal of Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences. JPUMHS. 2021; 11(03). http://doi.org/10.46536/jpumhs/2021/11.03.30
- Appraisal of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Trained Doctors Regarding IMNCI. Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry 2015, Vol. 4 (01): p-p 47
- Oral Health Awareness and Practices of School Going Children Aged 11 to 16 Years in a Squatter Settlement of Karachi ORIGINAL ARTICLE Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 2015, Vol. 9 (2): 71-75