University Scientific Board

About SPGS

As part of its Strategic Plan “A Bridge to Excellence 2019 -2030”, Dow University of Health Sciences, focused emphasis was placed to enhance the research capacity in the University, which would play a critical role in promoting a culture of innovation and discovery with generation of new knowledge that would be valuable for the community. Vital to the success of this vision was to have robust postgraduate programs of the highest quality both in terms of education and training. Lessons learned from successful postgraduate programs in more developed countries (such as Unites States, Australia, Singapore, etc.) have yielded the importance of having a defined infrastructure to provide the required oversight. This understanding has been further fortified by the recognition that Dow University of Health Sciences offers a wide variety of postgraduate programs in various clinical and non-clinical disciplines, which mandates a focused oversight that best suits the students and the faculty of these programs.

To bring this objective to fruition, in October 2018, as part of the Strategic Planning process, a Postgraduate Workgroup was established by the Vice Chancellor to evaluate the existing infrastructure and to propose changes that would best serve the needs of students and faculty. This led to the establishment in 2019, of the School of Postgraduate Studies at the Dow University which was approved by the Syndicate in its 78th meeting on July 13, 2019.

Our Programs


Medical Education

Molecular Medicine






Clinical Diplomas


Certification Courses



  • No student shall be eligible to appear at any University Examination unless he is enrolled with the University on payment of necessary fee.
  • Application for enrolment on prescribed form supported by the necessary certificates shall be submitted to the Controller of Examination through the Program Director or Head of the Teaching Department, as the case may be, within six weeks of the date of admission in the case normal admissions, and three weeks in the case of admission by transfer. Necessary payment/fee will be charged with each application.
  • If the student remains un-enrolled at the end of the above period, his/her name shall be removed from the Institute/University and shall not be re-entered unless he produces the necessary certificate required for enrolment and pays the fee.
  • Each student shall receive an Enrolment Card giving his enrolment number. If an Enrolment Card is lost or destroyed, a duplicate copy of it will be issued on prescribed fee.
  • No application for admission to a University examination or for any other purpose shall be received from an enrolled student unless the enrolment number is quoted in the application.
  • A student shall be assigned an enrolment number for identification throughout his/her stay in the University.
  • However a student unable to complete his/her Diploma / Degree requirement within the validity of his/her enrolment, will have to re-validate / extend his her enrolment due to semester freeze for not more than 2-Years by paying a prescribed fee with the permission of Program Director and Chairman Department of Postgraduate Studies.
  • Extension of re-enrolment will be allowed by the Vice Chancellor on the Recommendation of Program Director and Chairman Department of Postgraduate Studies as last Chance for those students who are short of aggregate/short of CGPR or fail in a maximum of two courses only.

A student may take a Semester off due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g. Financial / Health constraint etc.) by applying for a Semester Freeze. Such student must submit an application, verified & recommended by the Program Director of the concerned program to the Department of Postgraduate Studies for approval.

  • The University does not allow freezing during the first semester.
  • Request regarding Semester Freeze Should be made prior to commencement of the Semester.
  • If a student freezes a semester(s), s/he will retake admission in the same semester, will pay full tuition fee of that semester but not admission fee.
  • The maximum duration of the degree program shall remain the same.
  • The student shall pay 10% of the tuition Fee of each Frozen Semester for continuation of enrollment.

Once approved, then information regarding Semester Freeze shall be given to the following:

  • Controller of Examination.
  • Director Admissions.
  • Registrar DUHS.
  • Program Director.
  • School of Postgraduate Studies.


It is not applicable to FCPS/Diploma Programs. After requesting and being allowed for freezing a semester, the concerned student should not be recommended to join back in the middle of the frozen semester.

Internal Assessment (30%):

  • This shall consist of assignments, quizzes, monthly test, as decided by the Board of Studies of the program.
  • The method of internal assessment and schedule will be forwarded to Postgraduate Department & Examination Department at the commencement of semester.
  • There will be no re-take of internal assessment exam during the semester.
  • Marks obtained shall be submitted to examination department as these tests are taken.

Semester Examination (70%):

Final exam will be conducted by the Examination Department, DUHS. As per pattern decided by the University.

Student will have to pass both the internal assessment and semester examination (obtain minimum of 63% marks in each) in order to pass that course. However student who fails to obtain 63% marks in internal assessment will be re-assessed with the final examination.

Practical / Theory:

The student will have to obtain 63% in aggregate theory and practical. However, obtaining minimum of 50% marks in both theory and practical is essential to pass the course.

Comprehensive Exam:

After completing the required number of credit hours for a particular degree, and fulfilling the requirement in terms of CGPR, a student shall be given a comprehensive examination covering all the courses studied for the degree.

Retake Examination:

Retake Examination will be conducted after even semester. Student fails or gets an ‘F’ grade; s/he has to repeat the course, whenever offered. In case a student repeats the course which has already been taken, the old grade will be substituted with the new grade, (for CGPA calculation) but in case a student takes a new course in lieu of the course in which s/he failed, both the grades will reflect on his/ her transcript, i.e. old course grade and new course grade.


Examination forms should not be accepted till obtaining course completion certificate from the Department of Post Graduate Studies (DPGS). The proposed examination calendar should be adhered to.

Leaves Policy

Workshops, conference presentations and exam days should not be considered as leaves or absence. Students of those programs which have a provision of preparatory leaves should not be marked absent during that period. All applications should be forwarded to DPGS with due comments.

University shall charge the following fees upon admission:

  • Admission Fee
  • Tuition Fee
  • RFID Card Fee
  • Enrolment Fee
  • Examination Fee
  • Thesis Defense Fee

Any other Fee that may be applicable to the program being offered.

  • Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • Fee for the postgraduate program will be paid semester wise.
  • The fee for the first semester, admission fee, and RFID card fee will have to be paid at the time of admission.
  • All fee and dues of the first semester must be paid within 15 days of grant of admission, otherwise admission will be cancelled and seat will be offered to the next candidate on merit list. For subsequent semester’s fee and dues, if not paid within time, shall be liable to late payment fee as per University Rules.
  • If the student fails to pay his/her fee and dues within 30 days, his/her name will be struck off from the institution.
  • No student will be allowed to appear in any examination unless s/he has cleared all dues of the University.
  • Enrolment fee has to be paid separately.
  • Fee may be increased by 10% every year.
  • The fee rules and regulations may be revised by the University at any time during the course of the study.

The courses taught at the University shall be of two types

a- Core Course

A course whose teaching is a fundamental requirement of the program.

b- Non-Core Course

The course may be taught independently without affecting the teaching of any subsequent course of the program.

Policy # 1

Student shall be promoted from odd to even semester even if s/he has not cleared some of the courses of the odd semester. However s/he will have to clear all courses of both semesters of the year in the re-take examination before being allowed to be promoted to the next year.

Applicable to following programs:

MPhil MDS (Basic & Clinical)

Policy # 2

  • Where the program consists of many non-core courses, student may be allowed to the next semester s/he cleared 80% of the courses of the previous semester.
  • S/he will have to join the failed course on the earliest occasion, the University offers this course.
  • Clearance of the core courses is however mandatory for promotion to the next semester. (e.g. 8 courses out of 10)

Promotion Policy Applicable to MBA Programs Only:

Policy # 3

  • Retake Examination will be conducted after even semester.
  • Minimum Passing Marks of Semester Examination should be 63%.
  • The candidates getting 55% to 62% marks will be considered as a Minor Failure and promoted to the next semester subject to aggregate of the year meeting the minimum passing marks criteria. They will not have to Re-take if the average of two semesters is 63%.
  • The candidates getting 41% to 54% marks will be considered as a major failure and required to appear in Re-Take examination. If they failed the Re-take they will be promoted to the third semester but will have to clear all semester before comprehensive examination.
  • The candidates getting 40% and below in the Re-take should repeat the study program.

Applicable to Diploma Programs

There is a maximum duration allowed for each course.

S.No. Program Name Program Duration Enrollment Validity
1 PhD 4 Years 8 Years
2 MPhil 2 Years 8 Years
3 MDS (Basic & Clinical) 4 Years 4 Years
4 MSAPT 2 Years 5 Years
5 MHPE 2.5 Years 4 Years
6 MPH 2 Years 4 Years
7 MSBE 2 Years 4 Years
8 MSN 2 Years 4 Years
9 MS-TMTT 2 Years 4 Years
10 MS-BPHY 2 Years 5 Years
11 MBA 2.5 Years 6 Years
12 MBA 3 & 3.5 Years 4 Years
13 EMBA 2 Years 4 Years
14 Clinical Diploma Program 2 Years


Note: Serial No. 1 – 11 have a research component as the part of the program

  • The validity of enrolment shall be as above.
  • If the student fails to complete the course in the given duration; s/he will have to re-enroll in the program. S/he will complete the course as new candidates. However credit transfer of up to 30% may be given from the previous course.
  • If a student fails to attend any lecture during the first two week after the commencement of the semester without prior permission of Department of Postgraduate Studies his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.
  • If a student remains absent for himself/herself for 15 consecutive days during the semester without any information, his/her admission shall stand cancelled and re-admission would be granted in the same semester by the chairman, Department of Postgraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Program Director provided it can be shown that s/he can complete his/her attendance requirement.
  • Admission may be cancelled on account of nonpayment of fee and dues within due time.
  • Admission may also be cancelled for violation of disciplinary rules of DUHS.

Withdrawal / Change of Course(s)

  • A student, with the consent of the concerned Dean, may be allowed to:
    • (a) Change a course within 7 days of the commencement of a semester.
    • (b) Withdrawal from a course within 2 weeks of the commencement of semester.
  • Withdrawn course will not appear on transcript.
  • No credit will be given at any stage for the period of study of the withdrawn course.
  • If the student wish to take the withdrawn course again h/she will have to join as a fresh candidate of that course.

Masters / MPhil Structure, after completion of 124 -136 Credit Hours by Undergraduate Students:

Total No. of Credit Hours 30 (minimum 24 credit hours of Course Work + 6 credit hours* of Research or course work)
Semester Duration 16 – 18 weeks
Course Duration 1.5 – 2 years
Number of Regular Semesters 3 – 4
Number of Summer Sessions 1 – 2 in one academic year
Course Load per Semester 9 – 12 Credit Hour

Course Load for fall and Spring Semesters

Master / MPhil Students

A regular student is required to take 9 credit hours per regular semester, but however, a student can take a maximum of 12 credit hours, provided the student fulfills the condition mentioned in

*requirement for maximum course load in a regular semester

Course load for summer semester, Master / MPhil Students

Graduate students can take up to 6 credit hours during summer system.

*Requirement for Maximum Course Load in a Regular Semester

The Head of Department may also allow maximum course load to any student, graduate or undergraduate when the student is graduating in that very semester, e.g. an undergraduate student with CGPA of 3.2 needs 18 credit hours to graduate or a Masters / MPhil Student with a CGPA of 3.2 needs 15 credit hours to graduate. In this situation, the Head of Department can make an exception for any particular student by allowing him / her to take maximum course load as this will be the student’s last and graduating semester.

The program Director from MDS first requested that no further application would be entertained for change of specialty for batch 2016, but then recommended and forwarded the same after the deadline stating that it makes no differences. In all cases, the application should be forwarded by the Dean, and the PD must discuss with all supervisors and students before a deadline for such a process approaches, and not violate its own recommendations.



For every rotational training, prior approval for rotation must be obtained from the Department of Postgraduate Studies. No trainee should be sent or accepted without prior approval.

Curricular Recommendations

The rotations are to be done strictly according to the curricular recommendations. For FCPS, rotations will be given in CPSP- recognized departments only.

Discipline-wise FCPS Rotation

For disciplines requiring rotation in gastroenterology, nephrology and Urology, the VC added that SIUT will be considered Home Institute for Urology and nephrology – FCPS rotations. Pulmonology rotation will be done at OICD.

Credit Hour

Is the unit of measuring educational credit usually based on the number of classroom hours per week throughout a term

Credit Transfer

A system whereby successfully completed units of study contributing towards a degree or diploma can be transferred from one program of study/course to another.


Exemption of practical work in the course work in a post-graduate program.

Application for Transfer of Credit

  • Work experience will not be counted for credit transfer.
  • To observe the authenticity and validity of the credit transfer process, the application for transfer of credit to the university or from external programs shall be made only at the time of entry and admission (within 3 months) into the degree awarding program.
  • Credit Transfer of students is allowable if the student has completed at least 16 years of Education.
  • For those entering into MD program after diploma will need to submit transcript as well as diploma degree.

Procedure for Clinical Post Graduate Programs

  • The applicant desiring credit transfer will submit an application form accompanied by copies of all previous transcripts / course outlines verified by controller and certified by registrar of the university along with latest photographs duly attested by registrar/ principal/ HOD in which currently enrolled.
  • The applicant must also submit clearance certificate from his or her previous institution and will register himself/ herself with the postgraduate program of DUHS within the stipulated time.
  • Credit transfer is allowable as per this policy for credit hours that are awarded by an HEC recognized institute/school or University, or an internationally recognized university.
  • Credit transfer for the Clinical programs is allowable based on the Program duration of Study, as per the below table:
5 Year Program 20% Credit Transfer Allowable
4 Year Program 25% Credit Transfer Allowable
3 Year Program 33% Credit Transfer Allowable
2-1.5 Year Program/ Certificate Courses No Credit Transfer/ Exemptions allowed


  • However, the research components of any of the post-graduate degree awarding programs are not to be exempted or transferred, without exception.

Procedure for Allied Post Graduate Programs

  • Allied Post Graduate Programs refers to MSN, MS-APT, MBA/EMBA, and MSPH.
  • For each credit transfer, a maximum of 50% of total course contents and duration of study, as per the curriculum of this university, may be awarded.

Majority Similarity of Course Content & Duration

  • The content of the course for which the credit shall be given has to be identical or near majority similar to the one of DUHS, to which the credit is transferred.
  • The majority similarity of the courses may be verified by the credit hours displayed on the transcript, and course description of the specialty, in the relevant discipline, along with the course outline covered.

Note: This is based on qualitative analysis.

Authentic and Certified Copy of Course Curriculum/ Course Contents

  • The student who requests for transfer of credit is responsible for providing authentic (genuine) and Certified copy of the course contents where they studied the courses.
  • Verified by the Controller of Examination and Authenticated by the Registrar of the University/Institution.

Credit Transfer of Regular Courses

  • Only courses that have been taught face to face, more than 50% of the time, can be transferred.
  • This does not apply to any distance learning courses, even though they may be approved by accreditation authority/HEC.

Minimum Grade/ Percentage Requirement

  • The students should have received a minimum grade “B” in the transferred Course.
  • Depending upon the similarity and equivalence of the courses, only credit hours of courses shall be transferred which shall have at least 71% marks in annual system or B and above grades in the Master/post-graduate programs.

Requirement of Challenge Test

  • The Dow University of Health Sciences may ask the students to take a challenge test, prior to be given credit of the transfer.
  • Summative examination is then required to be given by the student as with the regular non-exempted candidates, as per examination rules and policies.

Mark Sheet (Transcript) Description

  • The course whose credit has been transferred from another course will be mentioned in the mark sheet (transcript), as a “Transferred” Course.
  • The student will have to cover the entire deficient course(s) (if any), within the stipulated time for the completion of his/her degree.
  • The credits transferred are counted towards degree requirements of a student for a post-graduate program. However, GPA of transferred credits will not be counted towards the calculation of CGPA, and that only ‘Transferred’ will be written against those courses whose transfer of credits was allowed, as per policy.

Any Other Exceptional Cases

  • Exceptional cases are to be submitted to the Committee for Credit Transfer of Post Graduate programs.

Contact Us



Phone: 92-21-38771111



Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)

University Road, Near SUPARCO Chowk, Karachi,