About Us
The department of Anesthesia at Dow University Hospital Ojha Campus is an amalgam of experience and talented Anesthesiologist who are working round the clock in a quest for optimal patient care. Anesthesiology is a demanding and challenging field and our team provides continuous support to the patient from the pre anesthesia clinic up to the discharge from hospital and follow up. The whole team works as a synchronised unit and generates a positive atmosphere which is well appreciated by the patients.
Our Services
We provide Anesthesia for all the major surgical disciplines as well as all the other subspecialty. We take pride for successfully running the biggest transplant unit of the city. Our anesthesia services are not just confined to operation theatres but also cater for out reach units like endoscopy suits, interventional radiology procedures, etc. We are integral part of multi disciplinary team dedicated to pain management.

Meet Our Team
We are a very active unit of the hospital. Under the leadership of Dr Hamid Mehmood (HOD) the team constitutes of 3 Assistant Professors, 7 Senior Registrars, 3 Anesthesia Specialists, 3 Senior Medical Offiicers and 1 Medical Officer. We are also running postgraduate Anesthesia training program of FCPS and are having 8 postgraduate trainees.
Why Choose US
If you are looking for dedicated and safe anaesthetic who are well coherent with the latest advances and are up to date in the field of Anesthesia then we are the team of thorough professionals who will cater for all of your problems to deliver a safe and effective Anesthesia for the required purpose.