About the IV/ IM workshop
Workshops on intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) techniques are crucial for students of the healthcare profession; they are provided with hands-on experience in administering medications safely and effectively.
The purpose of IV/IM workshop is to:
- Develop the practical skills of candidates in administering injections.
- Building their confidence in performing procedures and ensuring patient safety through best practices.
- This workshop also helps students to develop confidence and competence in performing these procedures under supervision.

Program Highlights
IV/ IM administration techniques
Contact hours
02 hours
Eligibility Criteria
Following is the eligibility criteria for 2023-2024 admission cycle for IV/ IM workshop:
- This workshop is open to students of healthcare professions those who are currently studying in 4th and 5th years and also the graduates who want to enhance their skills.
Learning Outcomes
At the end, the participants will be able to:
- Explain why these routes are used for administration of medications
- Identify the sites for IV/IM injections
- Improve their self confidence in performing the procedure safely and effectively
- Administer drugs via hands on experience with simulation model & real scenario
- Describe how to minimise complications by utilising evidence based practice in selection of equipment, skin preparation and infection control
- Outline the procedure for safe administration of IV/ IM injections
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